The Efffect of Capital Sructure, Intelectual Capital, and Shariah Compliance on Value of Sharia Banking Companies in Indonesia


This study aims to examine the effect of capital structure, intellectual capital, and shariah compliance on corporate value in Islamic Banking in Indonesia in 2012-2015. This research uses descriptive research with multiple linear regression methods. The research sample was based on purposive sampling totaling 10 Islamic Commercial Banks. The data used is secondary data. The technique of collecting data is through the website and the website of each Sharia Commercial Bank. The resultsofthestudyshowthatthecapitalstructureinfluencesthevalueofthecompany. This is in accordance with the trade off theory that the capital structure that is below the optimal point will affect the value of the company. Intellectual capital does not affect the value of the company. This study does not support resource-based theory and theory stakeholders where companies that are able to manage and utilize human resources effectively can create value added for the company. Shariah compliance does not affect the value of the company. It is possible for Islamic banks not to fully disclose compliance shariah in the annual report.

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