The Role of Work Stress as a Mediating Variable in The Relationship Between Workload and Intention to Leave


Jobs with high workload characteristics will require employees to work more than normal working hours so that employees will often work overtime. This condition will cause employees to be exhausted both physically and mentally which ultimately creates work stress. Job stress will cause employees to experience health problems. Employees who experience job stress will consider leaving the organization and looking for new jobs that can reduce their work stress. Respondents of this study were employees of telecommunications companies in the digital financial services department. The questionnaire was distributed to all employees in the digital financial service department of a leading telecommunications company in Indonesia. The questionnaire was distributed to 100 employees. However, only 60 questionnaires can be used for hypothesis testing (the response rate of this study is 60%). Hypothesis testing using hierarchical linear regression. The three hypotheses proposed in this study are supported, namely (1) workload has a positive and significant effect on work stress (H1; p<.001); (2) work stress affects the intention to leave (H2; p<.001; and (3) work stress as a mediating variable in the relationship between workload and intention to leave the company (H-3; p<.001).

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