Entrepreneurial Artist versus Scientist: Bridging Creativity and Scientific to Create High Entrepreneurial Orientation


Thedevelopmentofentrepreneurshiptheorystatesthatentrepreneurshipasamindset. Some other literature has even linked strategy management with entrepreneurship into an inseparable construct. One of the equations contained that entrepreneurship-related top roduce wealth,whil estrategic management related to the create competitive advantage which ultimately plays an important role in wealth creation. With similarities, talking about the entrepreneurial mindset certainly cannot be separated from the strategic mindset itself. Generally, strategic mindset here can be classify into two orientation, artist and scientist.Given that the mindset there is related to way of gathering information or way of thinking, the research here attempts to identify what kind pattern of thinking that can create high entrepreneurial orientation. Research here is more focus about entrepreneurs at the individual level, not in the context of companies or organizations. The final output in this paper is to build proposition and conceptual model abour entrepreneurial artist and scientist to be testing in further research. Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, artist, scientist, way of gathering

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