Controlling of Tugboat Fuel Consumption Owned By Pt. Transcoal Pacific, Sangatta Branch


Fuel consumption is an energy conversion that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into another energy at a certain time. Fuel consumption must always be monitored because it will affect the company’s profit. Since fuel is a significant expense, the company must be efficient in its usage to allow the company to grow. The author summarizes the problem and tries to solve the problem using quantitative research methods. The research is conducted at the branch office by interviewing the company’s staff. PT. Transcoal Pacific is a company that focused on its service at preparing ships to carry cargo in coal. The company monitors the fuel consumption using a fuel lock system, so the target can be reached in using fuel as few as possible and get maximum profit. Based on the result of this research, it is clear that the company lacks the aspect of fuel monitoring. This causes the target cannot be reached. The old fuel lock cannot be applied by the tugboat and dragging where the vessel swept away by sea current that may increase fuel consumption. The company has to increase the monitoring aspect and implement the obligation to solve the problem to improve fuel consumption efficiency.

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