Analysis of Log Cargo Handling Management


Log cargoes are bulk cargoes and could be loaded in holds on the deck. Logs have their own characteristics and particular treatments, especially when loaded on the deck. In this case, loading logs was conducted in two ports where specific skills and good preparation were needed because there was a possibility on missing cargo calculation. There are some methods of cargo calculation which were carried out manually and using the program. This research used fishbone and descriptive qualitative analysis. The purpose of this research was to make log cargo handling easier, more effective and efficient for one port to another port. The result showed that the implementation of loading management was done in four stages including planning, organizing, actuating and evaluating. In the first port, logs are loaded in holds and not contained fully. Then in the second port, the rest of logs were completely loaded on the deck. There is a difference on the cargo calculation because of the ontaking value of hydrostatic table.

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