Cultural Norms and Values Configuration in Acehnese Traditional Fishing Ritual


This study is aimed at providing an overview of cultural reality of Khanuri la’ot discourse, a traditional fishing ritual activity in Aceh Province. The objectives of this study are: to describe the cultural norms and values configuration from an ethno-pragmatic perspective. This study presents the role of cultural script in the analysis of norms and values in cultural discourse on natural semantic meta-language theory. It is considering that cultural norms and values constituted rules and regulation in social communication interaction practices. In conducting the research, this study followed qualitative method with its phenomenology approach in which data were obtained from observation in a khanuri la’ot ritual, and in depth interview with the respondents from Acehnese fishing community. The result of this study showed that there are some cultural norms and values found on the ritual in the community. They are: (1) politeness, (2) asserting hope, (3) respect, (4) family atmosphere, and (5) giving advice. The configuration of these cultural norms and values was in accordance with the understanding of knowledge and wisdom in terms of khanuri la’ot ritual system. The configuration is constructed in low level scripts with the component of lexicons in semantic primes.


Keywords: cultural norms and values, configuration, cultural scripts, natural semantic metalanguage, semantic prime.

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