Module Development of Tolerant Character Based on Local Wisdom for Elementary Teacher in Godean District, Sleman


The aim of this research is to 1) develop thematic learning content especially in Elementary School which focuses on tolerant characters based on local wisdom 2) develop thematic learning model that accommodate tolerant characters based on local wisdom in the planning and implementing learning aspects. Module is developed for teachers to be able to teach tolerant characters based on local wisdom to the participants. The development of learning models of tolerant characters based on local wisdom is intended to guide teachers in implementing thematic learning that focuses on students’ tolerant character based on local wisdom, especially local Javanese wisdom. This research used Research and Development method that consists of two stages, namely: (1) The preliminary stage is the stage of research and information gathering concerning the learning of tolerant characters based on local wisdom among Elementary School students, (2)The planning stage of learning content of tolerant character based on local wisdom as the development of the initial product form. Elementary Schools in Godean District, Sleman, in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in this research are the subject. Data validity uses expert judgment techniques and quantitative analysis with descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that ”Integrative Thematic Module Based on Javanese Local Wisdom to Develop Tolerant Characters” was suitable to be used as one of the learning resources used by teachers to carry out learning, especially in the Social Science Theme in grade V.



Keywords: teacher’s module, tolerance character, local wisdom

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