Management of the Education Cost from Community Participation


In the implementation of education, community participation has been regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003, so that the management of the cost from community or parents of students is necessary. The focus of the research is the management of the education cost from community. The research problems are formulated as follow: How is the plan for school revenue and expenditure; How is the expenditure on the education cost, and; How is the reporting and responsibility for the education cost. The purpose of the research was to obtain information about the management of the education cost from community participation. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The data were collected through observation, documentation studies, and interviews. The result shows that the preparation of the School Revenue and Expenditure Plan is included in a participatory category, and the budgets are sourced from the parents of students through intensive communication with them, endowment for school development, and extracurricular activities cost. The conclusion shows that the preparation of the School Revenue and Expenditure Plan has been carried out in a participatory manner.


Keywords: Management, Education Cost, Community Participation

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