Developing Media of Social Science Learning Based Macromedia Flash to Increase Interest, Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Elementary School


Media of social science learning based macromedia flash can increase interest, motivation and learning outcomes of fourth graders of elementary school. This type of research is R & D research by adapting Borg & Gall development procedures. The subjects of this study are students and grade 4 students of State Elementary School of Sendangadi 1 and SD Negeri Sendangadi 2. Data collection is done by interview, questionnaire and test. Data analysis technique using MANOVA test with Hotelling’s Trace formula 5% significance level of significance. This research produces media of social science learning in the form of media interactive learning based on macromedia flash. Media of social science learning based macromedia flash is very feasible to use based on validator assessment and test results in schools. Products developed effectively to increase interest, motivation and learning outcomes of fourth grade students of elementary school. The significant difference of the Hotelling’s Trace test is 0.000 <0.05 for the experimental test and control group. Thus, IPS-based learning media based on macromedia flash is feasible and effective to increase student’s interest, motivation and learning outcomes.



Keywords: IPS learning media; Macromedia flash; Interest; Motivation; Learning outcomes

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