Potency Analysis Preparation of Literacy Village Program in the Village of Bejiharjo, Karangmojo, Gunungkidul


This study aimed to obtain information on local potential that can be empowered forliteracy village program in bejiharjo village Karangmojo subdistrict in Gunungkidulregency of Yogyakarta Special Region. This research used desciptive qualitativeap proach. This study obtained information that the potential of Bejiharjo village in preparing itself in managing the literacy village includes; 1) the possession of human resources who have completed adequate diploma and undergraduate programs (S1, S2, S3) to support the village literacy program, 2) Strategy and policy direction of Bejiharjo village development in building the quality of human resources to provide facilities support and funding of ECD and other non-formal education, in partnership with the government and PT in managing education programs; 3) available facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of literacy village programs such as; (4) the presence of community participation in the form of personnel, thoughts, goods and costs, 5) the existence of partnerships that support the village literacy program, among others; Government of Gunungkidul Regency, UNY, Primagama, Mandiri Bank, BCA and community of Bejiharjo community in overseas.



Keywords: analysis, local potential, literacy village program

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