Effect of Principal Managerial Competence on Quality of SBM Implementation in UPT Elementary Schools District of Depok, Sleman


Thisstudyaimstofindtheeffectofprincipal’smanagerialcompetenciesonthequality of school-based management implementation. Managerial competency is one of the competencies that must be possessed by a school principal. As an education manager, the principal must be able to manage all the resources that the school has for educational purposes. The principal has an understanding of the goals of education, has a forward-looking outlook, and realizes the potential of the school to become a force to achieve goals for education. School-based management is the embodiment of one of the educational reforms that provides opportunities for schools to provide good education services for students. Improve leadership skills, administrative management, and budget planning followed by transparency and accountability, as well as the participation of parents and the community,makinglearningconducive.Principalswithgoodmanagerialcompetencies will make it a school leader who has good quality, which is one of the reasons that influence the occurrence of a good teaching and learning process at each level of the education unit. Having good managerial competence brings impact on the implementation of quality school-based management. Through library research and research, a theoretical basis, framework and research questions are reviewed. This study describes the influence of principals’ competence on the quality of school-based management implementation. Making quality schools based on government regulations that are demonstrated by the ability of school principals to utilize all school strengths and encourage school members to be more active in improving school quality.



Keywords: competence 1; managerial 2; headmaster 3; school based management 4.

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