Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety in State Vocational Schools of TKBB Expertise Competency in Yogyakarta


This research aims to understand (1) OHS knowledge level of eleventh-grade students from various State Vocational Schools of Stone and Concrete Construction Engineering competency of expertise in Yogyakarta, (2) their OHS attitude, and (3) their level of OHS implementation. The research used descriptive method. The data were obtained from test results and questionnaires. The research used saturated sampling technique.
The population consists of 188 students of four State Vocational Schools in Yogyakarta. Results show that (1) 15% of the students have high OHS knowledge, 80% of them have a middle level of knowledge, and 5% of them were categorized as having low category; (2) 80% of students show high OHS attitude, 20% of them shows middle attitude, and 0% has low attitude; (3) 42% of students have a high level of OHS implementation, 39% of them were included in the middle category, while 19% of them were categorized as low.



Keywords: Occupational health; Occupational safety; TKBB Vocational School students.

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