Characteristics of Undergraduate Students’ Mathematical Proof Construction on Proving Limit Theorem


Ability to construct proof is compulsory for whoever involved in learning mathematics and mathematics education. However, many studies showed the result that most students still found it difficult to construct proof, especially, when it is related to constructing proof for function concept. Therefore, to find out why it is difficult for the students, it needs to charraterize the proof construction done by the students should be characterized. This studys aims at describing characteristic of proof construction by students using assimilation and accommodation framework by Piaget. This researchapplied qualitative method. This study had found out three charracteristics of mathematical proof construction when students attemptedto solve mathematical proof problem, that are (1) pseudo complete proof construction, (2) illogical proof construction, (3) likely logical proof construction.



Keywords: Construction Proof, Mathematical Proof Problem, Assimilation, Accommodation, Schema

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