Narrative Writing in Novel Towards EFL Learning


The use of literature as a popular technique for teaching both basic language skills, reasons for using literary texts in foreign language classroom and main criteria for selecting suitable literary texts in foreign language classes are stressed so as to make the reader familiar with the underlying reasons and criteria for language teachers’ using and selecting literary texts. Moreover, literature and the teaching of language skills, benefits of different genres of literature (i.e. poetry, short fiction, drama and novel) to language teaching and some problems encountered by language teachers within the area of teaching English through literature Teaching English as in Writing and other learning requires an example of a scientific language study for teachers to teach the lesson to make it easier for students to understand. Teaching English as in the context of writing and others requires a lesson for better language for learning that is intended to make it easier for students to understand. As in writing, writing a story relating to the work of prose fiction, the novel. The study was carried out by a qualitative approach with inductive model of Mayring content method analysis. The researcher used library research to collect the data. The source of the data was the texts of novel. The data of the research were narrative style in the forms of time, characterization, and focalization.



Keywords: narrative writing, novel, teaching literature, content analysis research.

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