Motoric Ability and Nutrition Status Factor Analysis with the Learning Outcomes Playing Skill of Volley Ball


The aims of this study to describe dominan factor on influence learning outcomes playing skill of volley ball in elementary schools. Due to quantitative approach, Motoric ability and nutritional status is the main factors using correlational methode analysis.This research was conducted on Governance Elementary School in Pariaman city. Collected data measured the motor skills, body weight and tall of students to find those corelation with nutritional status. Data analysis techniques was used product moment correlation analysiswhich to find ontribution between independent variables with the dependent variable. Based on the results of data analysis found that: 1) There was a significant relationship between the variable motor skills and the learning outcomes of students playing volleyball skills with the finding of rcount 0.445 > r table 0.361, 2) There was a significant relationship between variables of nutritional status with the results of learning volleyball skills of students with found a rcount of 0.384> r table 0.361, thus it can be concluded that the variable motor skills is the most dominant factor in determining the learning outcomes of students playing volleyball skills in elementary schools.



Keywords: motor skills, nutritional status, learning outcomes of volleyball skills

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