Legal Sosio Approach in the Sustainable Utilization of Northern Coastal Area of Jakarta


Utilization of the northern coastal area of Jakarta through reclamation is in order to expand the land. Considering the current development of the city of Jakarta, it needs a reclamation program. If you want to see more clearly about reclamation, you should see between the policy of reclamation and the implementation of reclamation policy on the north coastal of Jakarta. It means, it cannot be separated from the social and personal forces that encompass it. The method used in this research was a normative juridical research with a socio-legal approach. This study tried to approach a problem of the reclamation in the North Coastal of Jakarta by combining between normative analysis and non-legal science approach through the study of non-legal theory. The purpose of this study was to find out how legal products can be the basis in the sustainable use of coastal areas. Consequently, the legal products that become the foundation in the utilization of coastal areas contain the meaning of the values of alignment to the interests of the environment. The formulation of the problem is why the reclamation of North Coastal Jakarta got rejection from the traditional fishermen in MuaraAngke? How is the policy of Jakarta Capital City in reclamation of North Coastalarea of Jakarta linked to the concept of sustainable development?



Keywords: socio legal, coastal, sustainable utilization.

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