The Effect of Non-Monetary Framing Sales Promotion on Customer’s Purchase Intention with Believability of the Deal Offer As Mediation Variables


This research aims to analyze the effect of different promotion frame with the same value (framing sales promotion) on customer purchase intention for famous brand cosmetic products with expensive price. Believability of the deal offer variable assumed as intermediating the effect of framing sales promotion on customer purchase intention. The previous study result mentioned that promotion which cannot be trusted (too good to be true) will make the customer uninterested towards offered promotion. Furthermore, the believability of the deal offer from promotion framings is still rarely studied although the research limitation mentioned that the credibility of a promotion is an important thing to be tested and potential variable is a kind of media for identifying a relationship between framing effect and customer purchase intention. Previous research more often conducted on a form of monetary promotion such as discount promotion while research on non-monetary promotions is still rarely done. Design experiment method three (free gift, buy two Get one free, extra content) x one (famous brand) between subject factorial design are implemented for collecting data. Data collection was performed on career women and housewives. Data analysis technique will be using One Way ANOVA, while ANCOVA will be used to test the mediation effect of believability of the deal offer.



Keywords: framing sales promotion, non-monetary promotion, purchase intention, believability of the deal offer, experiment

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