Design and Development Stage of Interactive CD-Based Audio Visual Media Development for Improving the Listening Skill on Listening Subject in STKIP PGRI West Sumatera


This study was focused on design and development stage of interactive CD-Based Audio Visual Media Development for improving the listening skill on listening subject in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. This research used descriptive qualitative method through observation checklist and document analysis. Data of the research all the documents used by the Lecturers on listening subject. After conducting the research, from the observation, it is found that the used SAP/Syllabus did not have a appropriate arrangement of the topics given and the materials in it and there was no a fixed teaching material or book used by students. Based on the document analysis, the teaching materials used by the lecturers and student were not appropriate for the students because the teaching materials did not state title, general purposes, specific purposes, theories, tasks, review and references. The effect was the students were difficult to follow the lesson given by the lecturers. Finally, a fixed teaching book and interactive CD should be made in order to improve the listening subject quality. The teaching book is set with audio and visual and it consists of a title, general purpose, specific purpose, theories, tasks, review and references. Then, the interactive CD is set the display of home, back, unit, learning outcome/purpose, theories, multiple choice tasks and reviews and references. In relation to the development of the CD interactive and teaching book, a validation form from a language validation and a language media validation will be conducted.



Keywords: Design, Development, Interactive CD, Listening Subject

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