The Differences of Consumer Behaviors Towards Merantau Student and Local Student


This study aims to determine consumptive behavior of late adolescents who migrated with non-migrants using the primary data of 347 people collected through the method of online questionnaires, ie with the help of google form. The subjects of this study have characteristics that are; 1) Merantau Students, 2) Local Student 3) have aged 18 to 22 years. Consumptive behavior measurement indicators were obtained according to Sumartono [11] The variables discussed are gender, length of time wander, pocket money, savings type and scholarship to consumptive behavior variable. The results of this study empirically found that consumptive behavior of adolescents or students who migrated and who did not migrate not only factors, places and shelter.



Keywords: Economic, Merantau, Consumptive behavior, Late Adolescence, Student

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