Reflection of Indonesian Economic Development Model Approach Through the Economic and Social Dynamics Ibnu Khaldun


The development concept in Islam to refer to the socio-economic dynamics that previously triggered by cendikawan Islam Ibnu Khaldun and later developed by Umer Chapra. Therefore, the objective of this research that reflects the economic development in Indonesia by using a model of socio-economic dynamics of Ibnu Khaldun. The method is qualitative descriptive research in the form of linkages between concepts empirically elaboration on the meanings contained within a historically through the power of literature. The data source is secondary to the research literature as well phenomenology reflected the situation in Indonesia. The results obtained in this study related to develop Indonesia lost direction in determining development by focusing objections on political interests run to replace the role of the state as the subject of development that each era of leadership to change the focus of economic development, where each era had a blast effect on the economic life, condition is compounded when all elements of executive e and legislative government nor the bureaucracy to act emphasizes moral hazard such as corruption, it favors only certain groups and communities to act as a tool of legitimacy, which we know in every era has thought leadership without considering sustainability policy



Keywords: Economic Development; Ibnu Khaldun; Islamic Economics

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