Muslim Fashion Trends: Analysis and Perspective


Indonesia has the largest country with the Muslim population in the world, where many Muslimah (women Muslim) wear the hijab. At the present time, Muslimah are attracted to change their conventional style into the modern way of dressing hijab. It caused the Muslim fashion to grow fast and the designs to grow fashionable. The aim of this study is to analyze the Muslim fashion trend in Indonesia, and how to make Indonesia as a center of Muslim fashion in the world. To express the phenomenon of the Muslim fashion trend in Indonesia, an analysis was performed through a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interview, observation, and literature study that is related to the Muslim fashion trends. The informants of this research are the fashion designers focused on Muslim outfits. Muslimah dress or hijab became a cultural identity and communication, which means not only to carry out their religious orders but also to make them look fashionable.



Keywords: Muslim fashion trend, cultural identity, communication, hijab

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