Identification of Young Women’s Nutrition and Reproductive Knowledge in Making Video on Community-based Learning


The purpose of this study was to identify in detail the nutritional knowledge and reproductive health of adolescent girls as an exploration effort in making interactive learning videos based on community empowerment. In general, this study uses a research and development approach by adopting ADDIE Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation models. At the Analysis stage, it was carried out by exploiting knowledge of nutrition and reproductive health of female adolescents in the age range of 14–20 years, carried out by a survey method for young women aged 14–20 years. The results showed that the mastery of nutritional knowledge in young women scored 65.65, and the aspects of reproductive health knowledge scored 75.25. The conclusion, in general, is that young women’s experience of nutrition and reproductive health is still in the low category, so further research is needed in the form of Learning Media Development for Increasing Mothers’ Knowledge of Nutrition and Reproductive Health of Community-based Female Adolescents.



Keywords: nutrition knowledge, young women’s reproductive knowledge, video

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