Bugih Cloth As Traditional Hermeneutics in Minangkabau


Every symbol found on Bugih’s cloth can be explained as a guide for life in Minangkabau society. This is in accordance with the function and meaning of symbols contained in the Bugih Cloth, interpreting the existence of Bugih Cloth and its relationship to the behavior of indigenous peoples in Minangkabau. Therefore, the importance of researching the Bugih Cloth is required. The objective of this study is to observe the function of traditional clothing made from Sengkang Silk woven cloth that is usually worn by traditional leaders in traditional ceremonies. This research also analyzes hermeneutically (interpretation of meanings) the motive forms that contain symbolic values on Bugih cloth as one of the completeness of traditional clothing in Minangkabau. The research methodology is a qualitative method because the object to be studied is the cloth of Bugih which is a cultural expression of the Bugih community. So it can be ascertained that Bugih cloth contains elements of values, norms, and symbols that are difficult to meet with other numerical, statistical, and quantum factors. Values, norms, and symbols can only be met with natural (phenomenological) symptoms, symbolic, and cultural interactions or by interactive model analysis. This analysis model has three main components; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification that are intertwined at a time before, during, and after data collection. The findings of study revealed that every symbol contained in Bugih cloth used by indigenous people can be interpreted as meaningful values and as a guideline of life and reflection of behavior in Minangkabau society.



Keywords: Bugis geometric silk sheath, meaning and value, Minang culture

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