Analysis of Students’ Attitude Home Economics Group Study Programs in the Field of Science and Its Influence on Science Learning Results


The study program in the Home Economics (IKK) FT UNJ including the IPS group gave science courses such as chemistry and physics. The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of students in the IKK study program in the fields of study and whether there was an influence on the results of learning science. There were 214 IKK students who were sampled, namely 53 people of culinary study program, 54 people of fashion, 53 of PKK, and 54 for makeup. This research method is based on correlational surveys. Characteristics of data was collected by TOSRA (Test of Science Related Attitudes), which is divided into seven aspects, namely social implications of science, scientific norms, public attitudes, application of attitudes, preferences, and interests in time interests in science, and a career interest in science. Data on student behavior when analyzed qualitatively, the results show that social practices are sufficient, self-concept is sufficient, attitudes are lacking, application of adequate attitudes, preferences. Enough learning, interest in free time at work, and interest in careers in the field of science disagree. In addition, there are several factors that can be used to study things: p > 0.05 with an increase in attitudes toward learning outcomes is the remaining 41% are repatriated by other factors such as school origin, level of intelligence, social environment and other factors.



Keywords: science attitude, IKK study program, learning outcomes of science, TOSRA attitude test

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