The Development of Psychomotoric Appraisal Instrument in Fundamental Barber Practices – The Effort in Increasing the Learning Process of Barber Lecture Subject


The purpose of this research is in order to increase an effective learning in the subject of barber through the appraisal of university student learning result to the development of appraisal instrument of barber subject which is valid, reliable, and effective. The time and place of this research should be implemented from the process of observation to the reporting which is calculated from January–October 2018, be implemented in study program of beauty and health education of Jakarta State University UNJ, H Building, 3rd Floor, 307th room, Jalan rawamangun muka, East Jakarta. The result of this research conclude that whereas psychomotoric appraisal instrument in the practice of barber that have been developed fulfill the criteria of reliable base on the result of practice appraisal instrument test result, namely about 0.805 that points out the level of instrument reliability in good category because of α > 0.7. The appraisal instrument for the practice of barber that have been developed have been stated as effective bade on the result of appraisal instrument effectivity for practice, namely 0.4 that points out that whereas the instrument that be made have level of effectivity in the middle thing because it is in the rage pf 0.3–0.69.



Keywords: the development of practice appraisal instrument barber practice

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