Study of the Analysis on the Characteristics of Learning Style of the Students of the Vocational Education of Building Construction Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University


This study aims to: (1) identify student learning styles; (2) obtain data on students’ critical thinking skills; and (3) looking at the relationship between the quality of student learning styles and critical thinking skills in the subject areas of study. This research is correlational research. The population of this study is all Vocational Education of Building Construction Study Program students who are enrolled in the even semester, 2017/2018 academic year, taking courses in the field of study. The total population was 106 people. The number of samples that were respondents were 84 people. Of all the participants, as many as 73 (84.8%) people filled out the research questionnaire. The results of the study were nine learning styles, namely: (1) Auditory Language, (2) Visual Language, (3) Numerical Auditory, (4) Numerical Visual, (5) Tactile Kinesthetics, (6) Individual Learning, (7) Group Learning (Social), (8) Expressive Oral, and (9) Expressive Writing; it was concluded that: (1) the majority of students’ learning styles were group (social) learning styles, where students preferred group learning compared to individuals, and Tactile Kinesthetic learning style, which means students preferred learning styles that focus on involvement and experience with real learning, (2) students’ critical thinking skills are represented by student learning outcomes or cumulative achievement index (GPA) of students who take subject areas, even semester 2017/2018 academic year, which is an average GPA of 3.27. Minimum GPA of 2.80 and maximum GPA of 3.67, and (3) the level of strength of the relationship between learning styles (learning styles 1 to 9) with students’ critical thinking skills are weak, or in other words there is no significant relationship between learning styles with student critical thinking skills.



Keywords: students, learning styles, critical thinking

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