Career Guidance Shortages in Indonesian Vocational High School


Career guidance as an integral part of national education system plays a prominent role in vocational education to facilitate the students in achieving their self-reliance. The discussion on their relationship raises stimulating evidence of weaknesses in its practice in Indonesian vocational high school. This article highlights the substance of career guidance shortages and the implications from its tradition. Thorough analysis shows that career guidance should be simultaneous with vocational education programs to prepare graduates who are standing by to employ. The shortages of career guidance in vocational high school means a small portion, non-stipulated of achievement standards, and hardly congenial to vocational education characteristics. The revitalization act, labor market and skills trends, and career pathways affiliate to the necessity of particular career guidance in vocational high school. It should be noted that specificity of career guidance in vocational high school is aimed to strengthen the employability skills development.



Keywords: career guidance, vocational education, employability skills

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