A Need Assessment on Competency Certification of Construction Workers in Indonesia


Competency certification for construction workers is a hot issue discussed in Indonesia today. The report shows that only 5% of construction workers are certified. This raises various responses regarding the real needs of the competency certification of the construction workers. On the other hand, certification of competence from workers is necessary for facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the 4.0 industrial revolution is currently underway. The Qualitative survey method using descriptive analysis was used to explore 191 participants who were the consumers of construction workers. The instruments used were questionnaires accompanied by focus group discussions (FGD) and in-depth interviews. The results show that the level of need for the competence of construction workers is high. However, consumers need more workers who have many competencies. Regarding competency certification, socialization, quality, process, and results must be improved through credible institutions and mastering the field of training, measurement, and evaluation. In addition, the pattern of socialization and training to get there must involve experts in the field of education, measurement, and evaluation of training construction and certified skilled workers.



Keywords: assessment, competency certification, construction workers

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