The Mapping of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation Model Activities in East Java


This study aims to map the implementation model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in East Java, while the specific objectives are: (1) to identify the CSR implementation model done by CSR executing corporations in East Java; (2) identify the model of cooperation done by corporations with partners in East Java, and (3) identify the forms of activities organized by corporations through CSR in East Java. The study was designed on a regional scale with regencies/cities spread throughout the East Java Province. This research is an explorative study designed using the approach of Mixing Methods, which is a research with qualitative and quantitative approaches, which want to examine in depth a phenomenon (in-dept interview) exist in society by not manipulating the research variables (expose facto) and not connecting between variables statistically. Broadly speaking, data analysis was done using the following steps: (a) Grouping data according to the problems to be answered; (b) Analyze the data through the stages of checking, editing, and tabulation that are adjusted to the type of data. This stage is done both qualitatively and quantitatively; (c) Formulate the implementation model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The results show that: (1) The model of the implementation of CSR in the majority is in the form of charity, the rest is the pattern of organizing CSR with the nuances of empowerment. This charityshaped implementation model will have an impact on the behavior and utilization of CSR funds by the target groups of CSR recipients. (2) The plasma core pattern is the most common model of collaboration done by corporations, while the agency model is the least cooperative model done by corporations. (3) The form of CSR activities that are mostly done by corporations is venture capital, while physical development is a form of CSR activities that are rarely done by corporations.



Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporation, CSR implementation model

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