Analysis of Lecturer’s Impression Management: Case Study on Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University


The objective of this research is to determine the type of impression management applied by lecturers in Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University. The steps taken by the researcher to meet the research objective are interviewing the lecturers and grouping and analyzing the interview results to identify the type of impression management being used, and to identify its implementation to the students. This research uses descriptive method, which, according to Sugiyono (2013), is defined as a method of data analysis by describing the collected data as it is without the intention of making conclusions that apply publicly or generally. The primary data of this research were obtained from interviews, and the secondary data were obtained from the internet, books, journals, previous researches, and other sources. The result of this research suggests that a lecturer with master’s degree is more dominant in ingratiation tactics, and a lecturer with PhD degrees is more dominant in exemplification tactics. In addition, male lecturers are more dominant in ingratiation tactics, and female lecturers are more dominant in ingratiation and intimidation tactics.



Keywords: impression management, self-promotion, ingratiation, exemplification, intimidation, supplication

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