Regional Tourism Development As Poverty Reduction Strategy in Bangli Regency


Poverty which is an urgent problem faced by Indonesia requires systematic, integrated, and comprehensive handling steps as well as approach. Although many povertyreduction programs have been carried out by government agencies and other institutions, the results have not been optimal yet. This is due to the fact that the poverty-reduction programs carried out so far are generally limited to the symptoms and do not touch the root of the problems. Tourism is one of the alternatives to improve the economy sector because it provides employment opportunities and business opportunities. The purpose of this study was to find out poverty-reduction strategies by developing regional tourism in Bangli Regency. This study used quantitative main approach that was supported by qualitative approach. It was a mixed method combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative research was carried out through secondary data collection from data sources available at the Statistical Office, the Office of Regional Instrument Organizations (OPD) of Bangli Regency and several articles related to the research available in the institutions. The qualitative approach was also used in this study because some of the problems investigated were carried out through exploration by conducting in-depth interviews. In addition to the in-depth interviews, data collection was also carried out by conducting focus group discussions to explore the specific problems related to poverty-reduction strategy in the form of regional tourism development of Bangli Regency. In general, tourism development policies of Bangli Regency include: (1) The policies of developing tourism destinations in Bangli Regency that cover: (a) improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure as well as supporting services that can still maintain regional culture; (b) developing preservation of historical heritage and promotion of destination areas (DTW) which is carried out in accordance with the tourism development; and (c) conducting tourism activities which are directed to new DTW explorations. (2) The policies of tourism marketing development of Bangli Regency that cover: (a) determining market reach; (b) providing information that can be easily accessed by foreign and domestic tourists from all over the world; and (c) conducting research and development on tourism information systems. (3) The policies of tourism industry development in Bangli Regency that cover: (a) increasing tourism investment and (b) increasing the absorption of labors in tourism field in the context of poverty reduction. (4) The policies of tourism institutions development of Bangli Regency that cover: (a) strengthening tourism management, including management, human resources as well as clean and accountable governance and (b) enhancing the quality of human resources that have certification and international standards.



Keywords: poverty-reduction strategy, tourism development

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