The Role of Good Government Governance on the Influence of E-Government Implementation Toward Local Government Performance


The purpose of this research is to examine the role of good government governance on the influence of e-government implementation toward local government performance. This research is designed as quantitative method and uses path analysis with SPSS 21 version to test hypothesis. By applying the quota method, this research collects data using a closed questionnaire distributed to 59 Local Government Agencies (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) of Surabaya City. Variables were measured by using 1–5 Likert scale. The statistical testing shows that good government governance mediates the influence of e-government implementation toward local government performance with p-value less than 5%. This result is supported by the significant influence of e-government implementation on good government governance and also the significant influence of good government governance on local government performance. Sobel test shows that z-value of 4.025, that is bigger than 1.96 with a significance level of 5%. It implies that hypothesis is supported.



Keywords: e-government implementation, good government governance, local government performance

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