Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and the Need for Achievement With Entrepreneurship Among Students of Jakarta State University, Faculty of Economics


Entrepreneurial ratio shows the economic condition of a country, the greater the ratio, the better the economy of the country, for example, Malaysia has an entrepreneurship ratio of 5%, Singapore 7%. Indonesia’s entrepreneurship ratio is currently 3.1%, and it is proven that until now Indonesia is still not a developed country in the economy. This is the background of the study. This study is limited to only two factors, namely, self-efficacy and the need for achievement. This study aims to see the relationship between self-efficacy and the need for achievement with entrepreneurial intentions among students of the Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University in Jakarta. The research method is survey. The population in this study is all student of the Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. The technique of selecting respondent was using purposive sampling that amounted to 152 people. Data analysis technique was used as follows: first test requirement analysis consisted of test of normality and test of linearities. Both multiple linear regression tests. The three hypotheses tests contain t-test and F-test. The fourth was a multiple correlation test. The last one was analysis of coefficient of determination; t-test on Self Efficacy variable equal 8.257 and thitung on Need for Achievement equals to 5,709, where t-table equals to 1,65514, which means there is significant partial correlation of Self Efficacy cy and Need for Achievement. Because thitung > t-table. While for test F, the result F-count of 81,330 > F-table value 3.056. Therefore, it can be said that the simultaneous influence between variable Efficacy and Need for Achievement to Entrepreneurship Intention. Because F-count > F-table. Multiple regression equation obtained result Ŷ = 17.791 + 0.526 X1 + 0.359 X2. R2 coefficient of determination value of 0.522. This means that Self Efficacy (X1) and Need for Achievement (X2) variables affect Entrepreneurship Intention (Y) by 52.2%, the rest is influenced by other variables (Approx. 306 words).



Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, Need for Achievement, Self Efficacy

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