Financial Well-being of College Students: An Empirical Study on Mediation Effect of Financial Behavior


The aim of this study is to examine the influence of financial literacy, financial socialization, financial attitude, and financial confidence on financial well-being, either directly or through financial behavior. The population of this study are students of Economics Faculty of Semarang State University force year 2015, there are 536 students. The sample of this research are 230 students that is taken using Slovin formula with proportionate random sampling technique. This study used a quantitative approach and used questionnaire as data collecting method. Then, data analysis technique used descriptive analysis, path analysis, and sobel test. The results showed that financial literacy, financial socialization, financial attitude, financial confidence, and financial behavior have positive effect on financial well-being. Financial literacy, financial socialization, financial attitude, and financial confidence also have a positive effect on financial behavior. Then, financial literacy, financial socialization, financial attitude, and financial confidence have a positive effect on the financial well-being through financial behavior.



Keywords: financial attitude, financial behavior, financial confidence, financial socialization, financial well-being

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