Supply Chain Management Model to Improve the Competitiveness of SMEs in the ASEAN Economic Community Era 2015–2025 in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Indonesia


Creative industry is one of the economic sectors that is able to contribute directly to employment and to increase household income. In its journey, the creative industry is often difficult to grow well and has competitiveness even though it has good potential supported by the logistic of available raw materials that are the result of the natural resources of the local area. Furthermore, globalization and economic development is a process to create a single market in which logistics is an important tool in achieving competitive advantage by improving the quality of supply chain management as a facility to improve competitive advantage, especially in the era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Supply chain management will improve innovation and other business approaches to provide positive results by improving service quality by reducing costs and efficiency of process and time. Hence, this study covered the development strategy of MSMEs in marine areas that have their own resources to be more competitive and become superior to the Indonesian market.



Keywords: strategy, competitiveness, MSMEs, supply chain

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