Gender Difference Between Payment Point Online Banking Users in East Java


The emergence of internet and smartphone technology encourages people to change the way they pay for any transaction. This study extends the TAM model (Davis 1989) with Perceived Perceptions of ease of use, Perception of Use, by adding gender to users of Payment Banking Online (PPOB) developed by a national company called ‘Bebas Bayar’ a solid company for technology acceptance model. Test gender differences that might be related to the intention to use ‘Bebas Bayar’ Online Banking Payment Points. This study sampled 100 responses of women and men through survey instruments. Samples were taken from groups that were comparable to Pay-Free Online Banking Payment Points in East Java. The results show that women pay more attention to Perceived Ease of Use and Trust. Whereas men in using the PPOB ‘Bebas Bayar’ online application are more concerned with Perceived Usefulness. The results of this study can be a reference to the fact that the needs of female users requires increased trust by having an official permit from Bank Indonesia (BI), while the Perceived ease of use indicated that there are updated version to change display and operation of the application. For male users, the addition of features is something that companies do to improve perceived usefulness. This shows that ‘Bebas Bayar’ needs to include gender in marketing strategies intention to use.



Keywords: gender, Payment Point Online Banking, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust, intention to use

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