Analysis of Public High School Students’ Interest in Padang City in Choosing an Educational Program at Universitas Negeri Padang


Improving the quality of education in Indonesia is related to the role of the teacher. The problem that occurs at this time is that high school students prefer to continue their education in non-education fields. This causes Indonesia to experience a crisis of quality teacher in the future. The purpose of this study was to analyze the internal and external factors of interest that influence students in choosing education programs. This research is quantitative descriptive, data analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis using computer software, SPSS Version 21. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 212 Senior high school students in Padang City. The results showed that the interest of state high school students in Padang city in choosing education study programs was influenced by internal factors and external factors; Internal factors consist of attention, feeling of happiness, ambition, personal values, and interest in the education study program. External factors are the family environment that includes the parenting, relationships between family members, home ambiance, competitor, family’s financial condition, understanding of parents, and cultural background. Based on the results of the study, the interest can be developed by demanding students to add insight into educational study programs by reading education literature, and parents are expected to direct their children to choose educational study programs because they can become teachers and earn good income because there are already professional allowances for teachers, the results of factor analysis classify that interest is formed by two variable, this is, ambition and family environment.



Keywords: interest, education program

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