Kauman and Laweyan Batik Etiquette of 1950-1970 Period in the Perspective of Genetic Structuralism


The view of genetic structralism from Pierre Bourdieu emphasizes the importance of the origin of mental structures in individuals in addressing a social order. The mental structure of the agents is determined by the existing social structure and analysis of the origin of the structure itself. This view can be used to see the emergence of batik etiquette in Kauman and Laweyan villages Surakarta in the period 1950 - 1970s. The birth of batik etiquette is not merely a representation of products, but It is also related to the shifting of batik producers’ habitus and changes in the orientation of national development politics. Habitus shift of batik producers brings the consequences of changing the attitude of batik producers in seeing the social order that is happening. Laweyan batik etiquette is more varied which is likely to be driven by the attitude of batik producers in seeing their position amid batik products from Kauman. Laweyan batik producers place themselves differently from the Kauman village batik products. This condition gave birth to the attitude of producing more etiquette than the Kauman batik etiquette.



Keywords: etiquette, genetic structuralism, batik

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