Using Indonesian Local Wisdom As Language Teaching Material to Build Students’ Character in Globalization Era


This paper presents a review of the implementation of Indonesian local wisdom in language teaching material in order to build students’ character as their foundation to face globalization era. Build students’ character is the duty of all of school components including the language teacher. Therefore, the teacher needs media that can integrate character to the language teaching material. Considering that, this paper tries to give solution to the language teacher by using the wealth of Indonesian local wisdom. It is kind of qualitative study which draws argument based on library documentation. This library-based paper aims to show the evidence of the benefits of the use of local wisdom as language teaching material for students’ character building. It builds the elaboration from various theories and relevant previous studies under the confines of character building, local wisdom, and language teaching material. Specifically, this paper tries to show the urgency of students’ character building as the foundation to face globalization era and the implementation of Indonesian local wisdom in language teaching as one of solution to teach character to the students. It closes with some suggestion for the teacher about the way to adapt Indonesian local wisdom in language teaching material and simple examples of material design which can be adapted by the teacher.



Keywords: local wisdom, ELT, character education

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