Analysis of the Shifts of Potential and Leading Sectors in Kaimana Regency Economy in the Period of 2010–2015


Economic growth is one important indicator that is generally used to measure the success of a region’s development. It can also reflect the economic development of a region from year to year. The changes in economic growth can be derived from the shifts of its driving sectors. This study aimed to identify and to analyze the leading sectors in the economy of Kaimana Regency. Using 2010 as the base year, this study analyzed the data of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of both Kaimana Regency and Papua Barat Province in the period from 2010 to 2015. Shiftshare analysis, Static Location Quotient (SLQ), and Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ) were methods applied to indicate changes in each sector, as well as to determine which sectors were potential sectors and leading sectors in the Kaimana Regency economy. The results showed that, between 2010 and 2015, Kaimana Regency have not had a notably leading sector in its economy. However, there were several sectors that can be emerged as potential sectors, which are expected to grow faster in the following years. These sectors included 1) agriculture, forestry and fishery; 2) electricity and gas; 3) construction; 4) trade, wholesale, retail and automotive reparations; 5) accommodation and food services; 6) information and communication; 7) public administration, defence, and compulsory social activity; and 8) other services.



Keywords: shift-share analysis, economic growth, growth of sectors, regional economy

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