KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Gender Diversity and Inclusive Education Among Women School Stakeholders in Selected Schools of Cavite: A Grounded Theory Study
Published date: Jun 04 2018
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 4th International Research Conference on Higher Education
Pages: 469–492
The study delved into the lived experiences of women in selected schools of the province of Cavite. The paper utilized grounded theory to propose an explanation on how gender diversity and inclusive education are being understood and appreciated by women in education. The study looked into the manner by which women engaged gender issues that continue to modify and shape the system of education and its environment and eventually craft a way of understanding and implementing education that is inclusive, respectful, soberly value-driven and person-centered. The participants of the research are ten (10) women coming from the education sector. Two (2) of them are professional parents who are also officers of the parents and teachers association. Two (2) of them are graduating students in college who are also leaders in their respective departments. Two (2) are administrators who are also engaged in research and extension. And four (4) are teachers and lecturers coming from the secondary and tertiary level. Six (6) of these women are also members of the focus group for gender awareness and promotion of women’s rights in schools. Results show that women in education claimed that the process of gender diversity and inclusive education is all about a dynamic, person-centered and context-sensitive consideration of gender issues and challenges within the system of education. Women believe that education informs the understanding of gender and vice-versa. Women defined, interpreted and communicated the dynamic meaning of diversity and inclusion within their experience of womanhood, the human person, family-based values, the school and its community.
Keywords: Women, gender, diversity, inclusion, education.
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