Intrapersonal Conflict in Arumie’s Novel Tahajud Cinta Di Kota Newyork


This research was about the Intrapersonal Conflict in Arumi’s Novel Tahajud Cinta di Kota New York. Intrapersonal conflict is a conflict that arises as a result of two or more motives or goals to be achieved at a time. This research focused on the conflict which was divided into three types: approach-approach conflict, approach avoidance conflict, and avoidance-avoidance conflict. The aim of this research was to analyze the intrapersonal conflict experienced by Dara Paramitha and Brad smith by using the psychological approach. The theory applied in this research was adopted from Lewin (1948). The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method in this research by Sugiyono (2017). The findings indicate that one could solve their conflict depended on their heart although they have different religion. It is found that generally people who often play as a protagonist character in a novel is always faced by some conflict to be overcome. The conflicts are various.


Keywords: Intrapersonal conflict, approach-approach conflict, approach avoidance conflict, and avoidance-avoidance conflict.

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