Nganggung as a Local Wisdom in Andrea Hirata’s Dwilogi Padang Bulan


This study aims to analyze how local wisdom values and symbolic meaning of nganggung as the slogan of sepintu sedulang, which reflects the nature of mutual cooperation, exist. Nganggung or sepintu sedulang is a local wisdom that reflect a social life of a society in Belitong based on gotong-royong. Nganggung tradition can hopefully represent the reflection of society nowadays as a role value and norm to solve all the problem faced. The analysis is based on the theory of local wisdom by Rahyono (2010) and Sibarani (2014) which describe that local wisdom is the genuine knowledge and intelligence of human come from the culture and the experience to manage the sosial life of society. Using descriptive qualitative analysis by objective approach of Sarjono (2011), the findings shows that nganggung tradition has local wisdom values such as religious, gotong-royong, responsible, appreciative, submissive, and independent. Symbolic meaning of the features of nganggung tradition which is tudung saji is the preservation of plants of the custon which is wild pandanus. Its form like a parabolic antenna signs that nganggung tradition is the protector of all society. The use of red colour for tudung saji signs bravery and high work performance. The straps on tudung saji signs to bond the diversity by the sense of belongings. The shape of dulang which is round signs the dynamic manner of the society.


Keywords: nganggung, tradition, local wisdom, tudung saji

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