Analysis of Methods for Regulating the Activity of Pawnshops in the Field of AML/CFT


The increasing number of pawnshops working in the shadow economy has been an important problem in Russia for several years. The paper investigates the dynamics of the number of registered pawnshops, the reasons for the toughening of their AML/CFT regulation and analyzes the further development of the industry. Based on the analyzed data, the forecast of the number of registered pawnshops up to 2020 is compiled using the consolidation of the moving average methods and the analytical trend alignment, as well as the expert evaluation method. The main methods of pawnshop activity regulation have been analyzed and an expert evaluation of the effectiveness of their implementation has been carried out. The results obtained during the study allowed the authors to formulate a hypotheses on increasing the effectiveness of the methods under consideration, as well as to offer their methods for regulating the activity of pawnshops in the field of AML/CFT.


Keywords: AML/CFT, "gray" pawnshops, non-credit financial organizations, high-risk activities, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, internal control rules.

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