Accessibility of the Poor in Healthcare Service in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


Background:The lackofthePoor’saccessibilitytothehealthcareserviceisstillbecome a problem that difficult to resolve. In practice, they still face obstacles that hinder their accessibility to the healthcare service.

Objective: The study aims to describe factors affect to healthcare service access and Poor’s decision to use healthcare service. This study uses a qualitative method. Meanwhile, data collection uses in-depth interview, observation and document study. Data analysis steps consist of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification.

Result: Factors affect to healthcare service access consist of infrastructure is an unlock of health access, transportation facilities to support health access, geographical conditions become the determinants of access to health, health costs as healthcare capital and socio-cultural matter. Meanwhile, Poor’s decision to use healthcare service is driven by external and internal factors.Externalfactorsconsistofhealthcareservicesystems(suchasnationalpolicies on health, resources or health personnel) and political and economic conditions. Internal factors such as the Poor’s characteristic factors consist of demographic, knowledge,belief,income,cost,transportation,healthcomplaints,andhealthcondition factors consist of health status and satisfaction on healthcare service.

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