The Effectiveness of Integrated Management OF Mental Health Care Using Interactive KIE towards Attitude of Person with Mental Disorder’s Family


Background: Integrated management of mental health care through interactive KIE is one of educational and communication tool between families and health services.

Objectives: The aimed of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of integrated management through KIE on family behavior of person with mental disorder care.

Methods:This study was conducted used queasy experimental design with one group pre-post-test on 17 family with people with mental disorder. Paired t test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention on the attitude.

Results: The results of the study showed positive changes in family behavior on the person with mental disorder care and integrated management through interactive KIE was effective as an initial screening to prevent recurrence of mental disorder (p-value = 0.00).

Conclusion: the implementation of integrated management through interactive KIE can be used as a join monitoring activity between families, cadres / guardians and health services to prevent recurrence in person with mental disorder.

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