Behavior Factors in Waste Management in Mangunreja Village


Background: Waste is any substance of products which is discarded after primary use or no longer used. Mangunreja village is one of the villages in Kab. Serang with a population of 3,018 people and the resulting volume of waste generated is 6,036 liters/person/day.

Objectives: This study aims to determine the factors associated with thebehaviorofwastemanagementintheMangunrejaVillage,PuloAmpelPublicHealth Center in 2019.

Methods: The design of this research is cross sectional where the sample was taken with a simple random sampling method. Thepopulationofthisstudy is all housewives living in the Mangunreja Village, with a total sample of 194 people. Primary data collection uses a questionnaire, while secondary data is obtained from the Pulo Ampel Public Health Center, and the Mangunreja Village Profile.

Results: The frequencydistributionresultsshowedthat25.3%ofrespondentsbehavedunfavorably, 55.5% had poor knowledge, 48.5% had negative attitudes, 47.4% of respondents were informal workers, 71.1% had low incomes, and 61, 9% of respondents stated that there were no TPS facilities available. Correlation test results that there is a correlation between knowledge, attitude with waste management behavior(p=0,000),andthere is a correlation between the availability of Temporary Disposal facilities (p = 0.005) with waste management behavior. There is no relationship between work and income with waste management behavior.

Conclusions: Knowledge, attitudes, and availability of Temporary Disposal facilities are factors related to waste management behavior.

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