Factors Related to Napza Abuse among Adults in the Narcotics and Drug Abuse Foundation (YKPN2N) Makassar


Background : NAPZA is substances affecting the structure or function of some parts of ones’ body who consumes them.

Objective:This study examined factors related to NAPZA abuse among teenagers in the Narcotics and Drug Abuse Foundation (YKP2N) Makassar.

Methods:The design of this research was analytic survey using cross sectional study approach. The data obtained were analyzed using the fisher test. Sample In this research, total sampling method was used. Therefore, the number of samples in this study were 30 people.

Result:The result of this research revealed that there is correlation between personal factor and NAPZA abuse with the score of p=0,031≤(p,α = 0,05); the correlation between family factor and NAPZA abuse scored p = 0,02≤(p,α = 0,05); while the correlation between peer factor and NAPZA abuse scored p=0,031≤(p,α = 0,05).

Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between personal factor, family factor, peer factor and NAPZA abuse among adults.


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