Terminal Cancer Patient’s Experience in Decision Making of Palliative Care at Home


Background: Increased cancer prevalence, especially in terminal condition, needs a comprehensive management approach through palliative care. Cancerpatientisvery encouraged to be involved in an independent decision making especially palliative careathome.

Objective:This study aimed to explore the experience of terminal cancer patients in their decision - making process of palliative care at home.

Method: This study was a qualitative study using descriptive phenomenological approach. The data were obtained through in-depth interview technique for 40 – 60 minues with 10 palliative cancer patients with the focus of the question exploring the experience of terminal cancer patients decisionmaking for home-based palliative care. Analyzed by using Collaizi method.

Results: The results obtained 2 themes which significantly describe the dynamic of patients with cancer from medication process to decision making of palliative care at home. Two themes emerged in this study were (1) patient wish to stay treated in the hospital and (2) the influence of family dominance in making palliative care decision.

Conclusions: The study was expected to be a reference for nurses in conducting therapeutic approach by considering participant’s characteristics.Itwasalsoexpectedtoimprovenurses’knowledgeandcommunication skills inadvocating and clearly informing palliative care purposes and program at home. Thus, patients do not have doubt to receive discharge from hospital and palliative care at home. In addition, a strategy from government is needed to optimize palliative programs through palliative care based on home care in various regions in Indonesia.

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