Relationship Between Nurses Percerptions IPCLN Supervision with Adherence towards Hand Hygiene at the Hospital in Tasikmalaya City


Background: Infection Prevention and Control Program (ICP) is very important to be implemented in hospitals to protect patients, officers, visitors, and families from the risk of infection. IPCLN (Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse) as a PPI program implementer in a hospital is expected to be able to carry out its duties to monitor health personnel compliance with standard precautions.

Objectives:This study aims to identify the relationship between nurses’ perceptions of IPCLN supervision and compliance withhandhygieneofnursesattheHospitalinTasikmalayaCity.

Methods:The research method used is quantitative research with descriptive correlation design usinga cross sectional approach with a population of implementing nurses in 16 inpatients with a totalsampleof152implementingnurses.Analysisofresearchdatawithnonparametric statistics, with Mann Whitney’s test.

Results: Results nurse’s perception of effective IPCLN supervision was 50.7%, and adhrence hand hygiene is mean 69.96%. The relationship between IPCLN supervision and compliance with hand hygiene ρ-value 0.006.

Conclusion: The implications of this study indicate that nurses ’perceptions of effective supervision will be able to improve compliance with nurses’ hand hygiene when taking nursing care actions. To hospital management, there needs to be an increase in understanding of IPCLN about the importance of supervising implementing nurses when providing care with resocialization of tasks and IPCLN functions.


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